Breakdown of the verb form;

ᎬᏪᏙᎸᎢ - gv-wedol-v'i - s/he [hasn't] been here since/for

ga- - since. - According to Montgomery-Anderson (2015, p.297), "the most common use of this prefix is to indicate something hasn't happened for a certain period of time." The usual translation is "since" with another verb or "for" with a specified period of time. Note that the "a" of this prefix changes to "v" when followed by an "a" or "u" (see below), thus gv- here.

u- - "s/he", this is the "B" Class 3rd person singular bound pronoun meaning either he, she, or it.

-w- - sound inserted between the "u-" pronoun and verb stems beginning with a long vowel. (Note: if the verb stem begins with a short vowel, the "u-" replaces the short vowel.)

-edo- - verb stem for "be present/here"

-lv'i - past tense suffix. In conversation the "i" is usually dropped, thus "ᎬᏪᏙᎸ - gvwedolv".